Article I. Electronic Participation.
The Cook Memorial Public Library District complies with the Open Meetings Act by allowing Trustees to attend Board/Committee meetings by means other than physical presence (5 ILCS 120/7). As provided by law, a Trustee may utilize video or audio conference calls under the following circumstances:
- A quorum of the Board or Committee must be physically present at the meeting location; and
- A Trustee wishing to attend by video or audio conference call must give advance notice to the recording secretary of the Board or Committee Chair unless advance notice is impractical; and
- A majority of the Board or Committee must vote to allow a Trustee to attend by video or audio conference call; and
- A Trustee may request to attend by video or audio conference call only if the Trustee is prevented from physically attending because of:
- Personal illness or disability;
- Employment purposes or the business of the Library;
- A family, or other, emergency.
- An unexpected childcare obligation.
Article II. Meeting Location.
- The meeting location shall be equipped with a suitable speakerphone or other automated system in order that the public audience, attending Trustees, staff, and guests will be able to hear and/or see any input vote or discussion.
- This policy shall not be construed to mean that electronic participation will be used regularly but that it may be used as necessary to allow the participation of Trustees.
- Trustees attending meetings by electronic participation are entitled to vote. The Secretary or Secretary Pro-Tem will record in its meeting minutes all Trustees who attend by video or audio conference call.
Adopted: 09/21/04
Revised: 11/12/06
Revised: 03/20/07
Revised: 01/15/13
Reviewed: 04/18/17
Reviewed: 12/09/20
Revised: 12/19/23