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Collection Development Policy

Article I: The Mission of the Library’s Collections.

The mission of the Cook Memorial Public Library District (“Library” or “District”) is to “connect our diverse community to resources and experiences that educate, enrich and inspire.”

The Library’s mission is accomplished in the following ways:

  1. By collecting and facilitating the use of print, digital, and audiovisual materials, electronic information services, and equipment that are relevant and/or of interest to District residents.
  2. By making available materials and services from sources outside the Library which support the Library’s mission.
  3. By creating specialized resources to meet the needs of District residents.

Article II: Diversity and Impartiality.

The Library is responsible for providing library materials from a variety of perspectives to patrons of all ages, backgrounds and opinions. The Library does not seek to exert doctrinal influence over any person by including or excluding materials from the Library or by providing or denying access to them. Therefore, the Library’s collection will represent broadly the views and preferences available in print, digital, and audiovisual materials, electronic information services and equipment. These resources reflect the varying levels of reading skills, language proficiency, subject familiarity and technical abilities within the District. The Library does not restrict any patrons from using any collection based on its content. Parents or guardians may decide that restrictions are appropriate for their children or wards under 18 years of age but they are responsible for imposing and enforcing those restrictions.

Article III: General Selection Criteria.

Selection is the process in which materials are chosen for inclusion in the Library’s collection, based on their potential to meet anticipated interests of patrons seeking resources that educate, enrich and inspire. Any materials must be in a suitable format and in good physical condition. The following General Selection Criteria (“GSC”) are used to evaluate the appropriateness of material for addition to the collection:

  1. Accuracy of information.
  2. Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment.
  3. Clarity and logic of presentation.
  4. Merit, awards, or critical acclaim.
  5. Timeliness or importance as an historic document.
  6. Popular interest or demand.
  7. Ability to fill a gap in the existing coverage of a subject.
  8. Expression of a challenging or unique point of view or style.
  9. Reputation of the author or publisher.
  10. Cost.
  11. Existence of authoritative published reviews.
  12. Publication date.
  13. Specific local interest.

Selection staff develops a written Collection Development Plan for each collection and major subject. These plans reflect the mission of the Library and seek to meet the perceived and anticipated needs of District patrons. The plans indicate areas of collection emphasis and limitation, taking into account the availability of resources from other libraries. They outline selection and collection maintenance techniques specific to the particular collection, subject or format. The relative usefulness, convenience and cost of printed materials, audiovisual materials, equipment and electronic information services will determine which are needed most to fulfill specific patron needs.

Article IV: Self-Published Materials.

The Library will consider acquiring self-published materials if they meet the selection criteria as outlined in the GSC. Library staff are unable to review or give feedback on self-published materials.  Donated self-published materials that are memoirs or works of fiction and written by a local author, as outlined in the Local Author Collection Plan, will be considered for inclusion in the Local Author Collection.

Article V: Audiovisual Media.

GSC applies to audiovisual collections as well as the following criteria:

  1. A unique impact may be made by the media by presenting resources that educate, enrich and inspire.
  2. Hardware needed to use the media exists within the District, if personal use is anticipated.
  3. The Library has the ability to meet user expectations for collection variety and quality.
  4. A satisfactory plan to organize, store and circulate the material has been determined.

Article VI: Electronic Information and Digital Services.

The Library purchases information products and services accessible through computers and devices. In addition to the GSC, electronic information and digital services are judged for their ease of use.

Article VII: Equipment.

GSC applies to purchased equipment as well as the following criteria:

  1. There is a demonstrated need or demand for equipment within the District.
  2. The Library is uniquely positioned to provide access to this equipment.
  3. The Library has the ability to meet user expectations for equipment reliability, variety and quality.
  4. A satisfactory plan to organize, store, maintain and circulate the equipment exists.

Article VIII: Requests.

Patron requests for the Library to purchase materials will be considered based upon GSC.

Article IX: Withdrawals from the Collection.

Withdrawing materials is the permanent removal of materials from the collection according to the principles of access and the GSC. Materials may be withdrawn based on outdated information, lack of use, lack of space, poor condition, or age.

Materials may also be withdrawn if they no longer serve a purpose in the Library’s collection. Withdrawn materials may be donated to other institutions, offered on an equal basis to the public through the Friends of the Cook Memorial Public Library District (“Friends”) book sales or disposed of in an appropriate manner. The Library cannot make special arrangements to give or sell withdrawn materials directly to patrons.

Article X: Gifts.

The Library applies the same selection criteria to gifted materials as it does to purchased materials. Materials offered to the Library, but not added to the collection, may be donated to the Friends or disposed of in an appropriate manner. Memorial or honor materials are selected or approved by selection staff.

Article XI: Procedure for Handling Materials Complaints.

The following procedure is intended to facilitate the most effective communication possible between the Library and individuals or groups objecting to an item in the Library’s collection. The goal is to ensure a thorough review process that addresses the concern and provides a satisfactory resolution to objections:

  1. A library patron who expresses an objection to any item in the collection will be directed to the appropriate manager. The manager will discuss the objection with the patron and provide a copy of this Collection Development Policy.
  2. If the patron wishes to have this matter receive further review, he or she must express the objection in writing to the Library Director requesting such a review. The correspondence must contain the following information:
    1. The title, author, and format of the item under consideration.
    2. The nature of the objection citing examples.
    3. Indication of what parts of the item were read, viewed or heard.
    4. Assessment of the creator’s intention for this work.
    5. The likely effects of reading, viewing or listening to the work.
    6. Any special qualifications which the patron may have that bear on the objection to the work.
    7. The action which the patron would like the Library to take.
    8. The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the patron.
    9. What organization, if any, the patron represents with respect to this objection.

After the objection is reviewed, a written response from the Library Director will be sent to the patron. Decisions of the Director may be appealed to the Board of Trustees, whose decision will be final.

Article XII: Responsibility and Authority.

The Board of Library Trustees establishes the general policies that govern the Library’s collection. The Board shall review this policy at least every two years (75 ILCS 16/30-60). The Board may hear patron objections to these policies or objections to the inclusion or exclusion of specific materials in the collection.

The Board delegates the authority to manage the Library’s collection-building activities to the Library Director. This authority includes maintaining the Collection Development Plans; creation, maintenance and dissolution of collections; materials budgeting; and selection, withdrawal and arrangement of materials. The Library Director is assisted by professional librarians and other staff who have been trained in accepted principles of selection. No employee may be disciplined or dismissed for the selection of library materials when the selection is made in good faith and in accordance with this policy (75 ILCS 16/30-60).

The Board of Library Trustees supports the Library Bill of Rights (2019), The Freedom to Read Statement (2004), and The Freedom to View Statement (1989) of the American Library Association. Copies of these documents are appended to this policy.

Adopted: 10/20/98

Revised: 07/18/00

Revised: 03/20/01

Revised: 07/15/03

Revised: 02/15/05

Revised: 03/20/07

Revised: 12/15/09

Revised: 09/17/13

Revised: 06/21/16

Revised: 10/16/18

Revised: 08/19/21

Revised: 12/19/23

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