The FamilySearch microfilm ordering program is officially coming to an end on September 1, 2017. That’s ten days from today. The last day to order microfilm is August 31, 2017. Hopefully you are aware that Cook Library is a FamilySearch Library affiliate, which means that you can request your microfilm to be delivered to Cook and view it here on our two digital reader/printers. All microfilm and microfiche that is ordered now will be kept at the library on extended loan, which means we do not have a deadline to send it back.
Back in June the FamilySearch organization announced their plans to discontinue their microfilm distribution service. This program is becoming less and less vital due to the pace of FamilySearch’s digitization of microfilm records. You may nave noticed that more and more of the records in their catalog are digitally available on their website. Their plans are to digitize all their records by 2020. However, if you have any record collection that has not been digitized, now is the time to order.
Interestingly, another reason the program is being discontinued is the obsolescence of microfilm raw material. Seriously, microfilm is not being produced any more. Back in 2014 Dick Eastman wrote a blog post entitled “The Death of Microfilm.” It looks like we are at the point in time that Eastman predicted three years ago.
Although we have been proud to offer this service at Cook Memorial Public Library, we recognize that there is a time for everything, and that microfilm’s time is coming to an end. Nevertheless, we will continue to offer you the best genealogy programs and services available to us.
In the meantime, get your microfilm orders in before August 31. If you have any questions please contact Sonia Schoenfield.
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